Sunday, March 29, 2009



I've found that when I don't think about the game and the game experience that I'm trying to make I wind up with something that's not very fun. It's important that you get an idea for the game before you fully commit to designing it. Especially with programming. How can you possibly commit so much time to making the full product if it's nothing worth following through with.

I think it's interesting that when prototyping for the iPhone, they realized that they had issues with things as simple as not having the right site. Having a prototype representative of the game that it makes, while not being too inaccurate to make it a different experience and not being too similar to make it too much work is important. That makes paper prototyping for a game that might be electronic a legitimate possibility.

I think that prototyping is a way to simply make sure that people get your idea and that your idea is what you wanted it to be to other people. Game developers should absolutely have an organized, set process for testing games before any significant development occurs.

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