Sunday, April 5, 2009

World Hunger Extravaganza!

For making this game, I wanted to do something that was in a way unbeatable. Problems more or less always stay. But beyond that, it's the case that the better off nations help the ones that aren't doing well for things to not collapse. I guess that means that I want the game to be frustrating and annoying, but leave the possibility of success if players don't just work for themselves. We'll see how it plays out during play testing.

On another note, I also tried to make something that doesn't require supplies to be written and cut out since I'm a tad pressed for time this weekend.

Supplies needed:

Each player rolls the die for prosperity. If no players roll below a 10 or above a 15, everyone rerolls. This is your country's prosperity level. Being above 15 means you can feed yourself as a nation and being below 10 means you cannot.

When the game starts every nation is given 5 tokens for food.

Food consumption chart:
1: Lose 3 food
2-5: Lose 2 food
5-10: Lose 1 food
11-15: Stable food amount
16-20: Gain 1 food.

Is your nation prosperity is above a 15, you may pass up your obligation to roll for events at the costs of 1 food. Nations take turns having events happen in them, and every single turn, nations may trade or give food each other.

Rolling for events- Each turn, players roll to see if anything happens with their nation. What happens depends on the number of the roll. Prosperous nations mitigate all negative events by 1 point.

1:Civil war: -4 prosperity permenantly
2-3:Famine: -2 food
4-6:Military uprising: -3 prosperity. If you roll an even number next two turn, it will end. Otherwise it is permenant.
7-8:Rise in food prices: -1 food and nation loses one prosperity.
9-11:Drougt: -1 food for this turn
12-13:Rampant Piracy: -1 prosperity permenantly
14:Resource War: You and the person (dice roll value) to your left lose 2 food this turn and -2 prosperity for next turn.
15-16:Stability: No numbers change for you this turn
17-18:Good Rains: +3 food, +1 prosperity for next turn
19:New Agricultural technology: +1 food, +1 prosperity permenantly
20:Genetically optimized food: +2 food, +1 prosperity permenantly

Winning? You guys are wimps. Maybe you should stop if you can stabilize things for a few
turns, but nothing is ever perfect in the world! Everyone dies or everyone is happy in the end.

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